Talkwalker for PR & Comms teams

Elevate your PR & Comms function

Get actionable insights in real-time to strategically manage your brand's reputation and drive impactful PR initiatives

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The 1st choice of over 2,500 brands

The insights you need for confident action on your top use cases

Reputation Management

Shape and protect your brand's reputation

Analyze sentiment, influencers, and conversations to understand factors influencing brand perception

Devise initiatives that reinforce positive messaging and counteract negative narratives, enhancing your brand's reputation

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Crisis Management

Prepare and respond effectively to protect your brand during crises

Track and evaluate the impact of crises on brand reputation using comprehensive monitoring

Make informed decisions and implement strategic crisis response plans to minimize damage

Issue Tracking

Anticipate and navigate potential PR issues with confidence

Detect early signs of potential PR problems by monitoring conversations across channels

Develop strategic responses to address and mitigate issues, protecting your brand's reputation

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PR Performance

Maximize your PR efforts to achieve greater reach

Leverage Talkwalker insights to evaluate key PR metrics and campaign performance

Refine strategies to optimize reach, engagement, and overall PR results, driving success for your brand

Influencer Discovery

Strengthen your brand's voice through influential partnerships

Discover industry influencers whose values align with your brand and resonate with target audiences

Engage in strategic influencer collaborations that boost brand visibility and credibility, amplifying your message

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​​Have a chat with our experts on consumer intelligence solutions tailored for your teams

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Talkwalker has allowed us to unlock access to a much larger conversation around our brand

Jordan Schultz
Social Media Manager

Book a free demo

  • Experience the power of Talkwalker with a demo tailored just for you.
  • Our deep industry experts help and guide you every step of the way.
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Talkwalker awards
Talkwalker awards
Talkwalker awards
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Talkwalker awards

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